Page name: Temple Of Life [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-11 02:47:45
Last author: Shatureel
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Goddess Of Life

Temple Of Life



Name: Shatureel
Nick Names: Goddess of Life
Sex: Unknown
Age: Ageless
Ability: Power to Create Life.
Dislikes: People who judge others for any reason.
Weapon of choice: Staff of Life
Powers: 1) Shapeshifter, 2) Psychokinesis - : movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means. 3) Telekinesis : the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means 
Animal symbol: White Leapord and White Wolf

Temple Of Life Member's

Wiki's Of My Friends

Gods of Elfpack  owned by [Ultra Hunger]

dreamers/believers owned by [superego]

Pumpkin Land  owned by [Shatureel]

God of Sorrow  owned by [Ajsinnott]

My dear loyal subjects please go and check out Pumpkin Land



Forest Of Life
Temple Of Life Memoriam's
Temple of Life Two
Temple of Life Banners

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2006-06-10 [+Shadow+]: Alright

2006-06-10 [Shatureel]: Cool and welcome, don't forget to take a banner with you.

2006-06-10 [Venom Boy]: IM OKAY! Thanks to my loveing sis.

2006-06-13 [erowen]: hi guys

2006-06-14 [Shatureel]: That is good, aren't sisters just wonderful. Hello [erowen] how are you doing?

2006-06-14 [DRACE]: maybe I should take my leave from here -.-

2006-06-14 [erowen]: well im doing ok, went to the hospital this morning and found out that i have a bladder infection

2006-06-15 [Shatureel]: Oh sorry for you, hope you get better soon and [DRACE] why would you leave us?

2006-06-15 [DRACE]: because I piss off all my friends, I'm not worth having around

2006-06-15 [former user#2]: hush, [DRACE]. evrybody is worth having. you, me & the others.

2006-06-15 [L V F]: -appears out of nowhere-

2006-06-15 [erowen]: what happened

2006-06-15 [Raikcoes]: nada

2006-06-16 [Shatureel]: *Hugs [Raikcoes]* Welcome back sweety and [DRACE] not here please. I don't want you to leave and I think you are worth knowing and keeping around. Shit happens in our life's sometimes that we have no control over. People make mistakes and as humans we must learn to forgive those mistakes.

2006-06-16 [DRACE]: if it has a steady pay-check, I'll believe anything - ghostbusters 1

2006-06-16 [Shatureel]: What is that suppose to mean [DRACE]?

2006-06-17 [DRACE]: I don't care if u take it the wrong way, its up to u what ya think about what it means, I didn't mean anything wrong by it, but who gives a flying figtree anyways

2006-06-18 [Shatureel]: {DRACE] if I didn't give two flying fucks about you, I would not bother to ask you what you mean.

2006-06-18 [DRACE]: im thinkin how much i would like u on top of me

2006-06-18 [DRACE]: *throws a boot at [erowen]* hehe *grins innocently and tries to hide his other boot*

2006-06-18 [Shatureel]: *Knocks [DRACE] to the ground with a wave of my hand. Slowly walks over and stands just over him then sits on his belly, pinches his cheeks and laughs* You are such a little shit, but I do love you my friend.

2006-06-19 [DRACE]: *goes all puppy eyed, as he looks up at [Shatureel]*

2006-06-19 [erowen]: dont throw things at me, you might hurt the baby

2006-06-19 [L V F]: -sits back and sharpens sword-

2006-06-20 [Shatureel]: *Smiles down at [DRACE] and then looks at [erowen]* Don't worry sweety he won't do anything to hurt your baby. *looks back at [DRACE]* Right!!!!!!

2006-06-20 [erowen]: ok, just making sure. cause she might have to find you when she comes out

2006-06-20 [DRACE]: I won't I swears it FUCK see I swears

2006-06-20 [DRACE]: *leans up and twists [Shatureel]'s right nipple*

2006-06-20 [L V F]: -pulls out my .45 and aims at drace- Do it again.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Growls at Lycan* I dont like guns. Im going to ask you as politely as I can to put it away.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: *Looks at [L V F]* As protecter he is allowed to carry a weapon, but he is not to pull it out unless it is nessecary. *twist [DRACE] nose between fingers* You stop pinching my nipple, I told you not in front of the kiddies. LOL

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Glares at Lycan* I dont like guns Shatureel....Im very sorry but If he does not put it away I will for him.....and Im sure your aware of what Elli can do, I can do alot worse. Please have him put it away.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Sorry do not know what Elli can do, or you for that matter. I know what I can do and Goddess of Life, and as for the gun [L V F] please put it away for now. But remember [+Shadow+], [L V F] is a protecter of my Kingdom and is licensed to carry that gun, but not to play with it or use it on others just for the fun of it. 

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: I can respect that he is allowed to have the gun, but please do not pull it out around me unless he is wanting to fight with me. And please, call me Lezlie.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Hello Lezlie, I am Shay. Don't worry about [L V F] he would not do anything to harm any of the members of my realm.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: Well, Im just a waunderer and a ghost so.......

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Waunderer's and ghost's can also become members, my kingdom is open to all.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Nods and leans against the wall with some hair in faace* Im just ganna stay in the shadows for a bit if that is okay. I have alot to think about.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: *Nods and smiles* You be my guess.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Looks at the ground and sighs*

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: *Tilts head to the right* Anything you want to talk about?

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Shakes head* I just need to think of why guys love to hurt me and what I can do to prevent it.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Thats a tough one. Guys don't think the same way females do. Some guys are real sweethearts and then there are those guys that are real ball busters. Problem is that you never know what type of guy you will end up with, unless you get to know them well. Look at me. I was married for many years. I thought I would grow old with my ex, but it did not work that way. Now I live in one side of the states and he lives in another. Never in my life would i have guessed that this is the way our lifes would have turned out. One can never judge a book by its cover, until they have read the pages that make up that book. Man are like chocolate, bad for you, but yummy at the same time.

2006-06-21 [Sweet Disaster]: lol. Thats Shay for ya.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Sighs*

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: *laughs* Yep thats me alright, Hi there Midnight, how you doing?

2006-06-21 [Sweet Disaster]: Im good. I see you have met my little sis Lezlie.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Yes I have, and she does not like guns. LOL

2006-06-21 [Sweet Disaster]: No. She was nearly killed by guns, thats why she is what she is. (Mix of what Im not)

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: I know the fear of guns, grew up with them all around the neighborhood. Seen friends die from the miss use of them also. 

2006-06-21 [Sweet Disaster]: Yeah. Just stay away from her when her eyes are velvet blue and her fangs are out. Best choice.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: You forget that she can not harm me. Nor can she put fear into my soul with her velvet blue eyes or sharp fangs. I too have fangs and my eyes though they are dark, turn red with rage. LOL

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: She means, its just best. I go into a fit with past memories and tend to harm whoever is in my way, even if I get harmed in the process.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Trust me sweety, you can not harm me. I have seen it all and done it all. I have a very bad temper myself, and sometimes my tongue will get the best of me. But there is nothing that you can do that will scare me. I too have my memories and they are not very good ones. But there comes a time in your life when you look back at those memories and say I should have done this that way, or i should have done it this way. Truth is that we do what we must when we have to. Especially when our backs are pressed against the wall.

2006-06-21 [Sweet Disaster]: *Mumbles* Hers has been litterally pressed against a wall

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: *hugs Lezlie* I understand how you feel sweety. You are welcome here anytime and you do not have to speak to anyone you do not wish to speak to. 

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Nods slightly* Thank you,ma'am.

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: You are very welcome my dear.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Slightly smiles*

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Thats better, I like smiles in my kingdom, makes the place kind of cheery.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Nods*

2006-06-21 [Shatureel]: Well I am off now, will speak again tomorrow. Night to all.

2006-06-21 [L V F]: -loads a shotgun- come on man let me kill somebody

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Looks at him* You can kill me.

2006-06-21 [L V F]: nah to easy. -cracks claws-

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Glares as eyes turn velvet blue* Who said I wont fight back?

2006-06-21 [L V F]: -growls lowly and turns lycan- Your funeral

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Cracks neck and lets fangs and claws grow* Yes it is and I will be more than happy to let you put me there.

2006-06-21 [L V F]: -chuckles and throws my swords to the side- Old fashiond way sound allright?

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Smirks* Fine by me....Take your first hit.

2006-06-21 [L V F]: Nah your move. -grins and stares as my eyes glow a dull yellow-

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Growls with a smirk and runs at him and power kicks him in the stomach*

2006-06-21 [L V F]: -grabs ur foot and breaks it and slams my hand down breaking it in one place then i throw u away from me and just chuckle at you- If thats it then ur in trouble.

2006-06-21 [+Shadow+]: *Smiles and stands, popping her foot and healing it* Right back at ya.

2006-06-22 [Shatureel]: *Looks from [+Shadow+] to [L V F] and laughs.* What is up with you two?

2006-06-22 [+Shadow+]: Im in a bad mood and he asked if he could kill someone so Im ganna let him kill me.

2006-06-22 [Shatureel]: Hell no, there will be no killing in my kingdom. Besides if he kills you I will have to bring you back, or send your body to the Goddess of Reincarnation to bring you back. So if you are in a bad mood go and punch a punching bag and work it out..

2006-06-22 [+Shadow+]: I dont have one.

2006-06-22 [Shatureel]: You have pillows don't you. Take and pile them one on top of the other and then just start punching away. Thats what i do.

2006-06-22 [+Shadow+]: I sock my windows,

2006-06-22 [Shatureel]: What do you mean?

2006-06-22 [+Shadow+]: I mean, I break my windows with my fist.

2006-06-22 [Shatureel]: Well that is not good. Do you cut yourself when you do that. 

2006-06-22 [+Shadow+]: The broken glass does but I cant feel it.

2006-06-22 [Shatureel]: Feel sad for you. *hugs* You must have a lot of rage built up inside of you for you to sock your windows as you put it.

2006-06-22 [+Shadow+]: Yeah

2006-06-22 [Shatureel]: Well try not to hurt yourself, okay

2006-06-22 [+Shadow+]: Yeah

2006-06-26 [DRACE]: *walks into the temple, his long black cloak soaked with blood, he removes his coat and hat, putting then on a hanger, then walks upto the bar, grabs a large bottle of vodka, a heating tool and a needle and thread an walks off into the shadows*

2006-06-26 [DRACE]: *sets up the heating tool and takes some bandages out of his pocket, removes some arrows from his chest, left arm and lower torso, the takes a big gulp of vodka, dribbling some over the wound as he pushes the heating tool into the wound to seal it over, then moves onto the other wounds... howls with pain*

2006-06-26 [DRACE]: *as he gets finished with the last one, he has gone far past his pain threshold, he looks down at his hands and seems them start to grow bigger and his fur starts to turn black, he yells in his head and mumble, 'not now darrk, not now', he slams his fists down on the table and relaxes his inner demon*

2006-06-26 [DRACE]: we are the dry husks, the empty shells... <<< thats so true, even more so when one has a dark past

2006-06-27 [Shatureel]: *Watches [DRACE] hang his bloody cloak. Does not say a word when he grabs a bottle of vodka, would have helped him, but he seems lost in his own thoughts and is unaware of my presences.

2006-06-27 [DRACE]: *sighs and looks up from where he is, he looks around the temple, as he finishs the bottle of vodka, wraps his bandages around his upper and lower torso and around the wound on his left arm... he walks behind the bar and returns the heating tool... and sneaks a few extra bottles of vodka and darts out the door, grabbing his long brim black hat along the way*

2006-06-28 [Shatureel]: *Watches as [DRACE] heads out the door. Smiles as she looks around, she wonders where have all the players gone. Not many come to play here anymore. Going to have to do something to change that, but what? What can she do to bring more ppl to her Kingdom. Though she does not drink, she grabs a bottle of vodka and heads out the door in search of her ppl.*

2006-06-28 [DRACE]: *props his legs up on a railing as he starts rocking in a rocking chair, he sees [Shatureel] emerge from the temple and he stays silent, hinding the bottoles of vodka* I'll advertise it on wikis, mind u I tend to get into trouble for that lol, who cares, I don't

2006-06-28 [erowen]: hello

2006-06-29 [Shatureel]: No don't do that there is a wiki where I can post my wiki at, I will do that, do not spam okay, if will look bad for this wiki. Hello [erowen].

2006-06-29 [L V F]: -looks around- Greetings erowen. -sits back and drinks a glass of water-

2006-06-29 [+Shadow+]: *Sits against the wall with tears running down her face. She pulls her knees to her chest and hides her face behind her hair and by putting her head on her knees*

2006-06-30 [Shatureel]: *sits down next to [+Shadow+]* Whats wrong sweety?

2006-06-30 [superego]: Oh yeah, this wiki is still here. :]

2006-06-30 [DRACE]: *finishs the bottles of vodka, he gets up and walks inside, sees, [Shatureel] & [+Shadow+] sitting the floor, he walks over to the both of them and kneels infront of [+Shadow+] and says, I may be an ass most of the time darlin, but you can talk to me if you like, I listen to you* send me a message okay, I will do what I can to help you get though your problems, ask anyone... besides Kristin >.<

2006-06-30 [DRACE]: *stands, cracks his neck and walks outside, leaving his wide-brimmed hat and long black hat behind, he walks into the forest to one of the more taller trees then the rest, then starts climbing, he wraps his tail around one of the higher branchs and swings down upside down, then grows his wings and wraps them around himself, looking like a giant bat, then starts to meditate*

2006-06-30 [erowen]: your such a sweetheart [DRACE]

2006-06-30 [DRACE]: from all the evils I have done in this world, I like to at least give something back

2006-06-30 [erowen]: good

2006-07-01 [Shatureel]: *Smiles* Yea he is a sweety. And [superego] it is not we who have gone, but you who has not come to visit with us in a long time.

2006-07-01 [DRACE]: its like the FUZZ MUFFIN - that muffin you dropped under the fridge three years ago - it gets forgotten and pushed into the past

2006-07-02 [Shatureel]: Yuk, sounds disgusting.

2006-07-02 [DRACE]: mmm true...

2006-07-02 [DRACE]: *wakes suddenly from his meditaion sleep, he opens his wings wide and releases his tails grip from the tree, then glides down and through as much as the forst he can before landing and walking to the lake*

2006-07-02 [DRACE]: *takes his long black jacket off and wide brimmed hat, placig them on a large rock beside him, along with his gun the desert eagle his boots and long brown pants, he then prceeds into the water, a dagger inbetween his teeth and one in his left hand... he dives under the water and goes fishing*

2006-07-02 [DRACE]: *moves to the surface and swims back to sure, holding a rather large fish with his tail*

2006-07-02 [DRACE]: *makes a fire place and he puts his right hand over it and all of a sudden the wood ignites, he places the fish over the fire with his mind and waits for it to cook*

2006-07-02 [Wendy]: *swims ashore from The Waffle Temple*

2006-07-02 [Wendy]: *has seasoning with her*

2006-07-02 [L V F]: -lays on ahammock and fals asleep-

2006-07-02 [+Shadow+]: *Watches Lycan*

2006-07-03 [Shatureel]: *Rides up on her black winged horse Asio, looks around, smells the fish cooking, licks lips, looks at [DRACE]* Hope you have enough to feed us all.

2006-07-03 [DRACE]: *grins and says, 'well considering this fish is bigger and longer then me, I'd say I have just enough, heck I could always get more and be quick about it, if you let me use tnt', laughs as he adds more wood to the fire*

2006-07-03 [DRACE]: *sets out a few tables, table cloths and plates, then starts to sharpen his knife to cut to fish*

2006-07-03 [Wendy]: Meep! Ish want to help! *places a large stack of waffles onto one of the plates*

2006-07-03 [L V F]: -sleeps-

2006-07-04 [DRACE]: *takes some jams from his back pak and puts them on the tables with his tail and continues to sharpen then knife, then he slides it down the tip of his tounge to see if its sharp enough, finding it is, he starts carving up the pieces of fish and placing them onto the plates*

2006-07-04 [Wendy]: *admires [DRACE] and his awesome tail*

2006-07-05 [Shatureel]: *gets off Asio and sits down on the ground by the fire, looks over at [L V F], picks up a pebble and throws it at him, then acts all innocent*, Damn that fish really smells good. *waves hand and veggies, potatoes and fresh baked bread appear* There that should go nicely with the fish. Thank you [DRACE].

2006-07-05 [superego]: Hello. *waves in the corner of the room*

2006-07-05 [Shatureel]: *looks over at [superego].* Come out here and join use we are about to dine on fish [DRACE] was nice enough to catch for us.

2006-07-05 [superego]: Yum. I usually don't like fish other than in fishsticks and on fish soup that my mother makes.... but I guess I can make an exception.. *starts to eat*

2006-07-05 [Shatureel]: Its good fish, caught and cooked fresh by our very own [DRACE]. 

2006-07-05 [DRACE]: *tries to hide his smile, as he sits at one of the tables and starts to eat* eh thanks, I could say I pride myself on cooking, but eh, fish is easy, I burnt popcorn once >.<

2006-07-05 [L V F]: -wakes up and glances around looks at the food and shrugs- Smells good unfortunatly im not hungry,.

2006-07-05 [DRACE]: *sighs* it isn't hot enough, *puts his hand over it and it heats up, almost burning the table cloth*

2006-07-05 [erowen]: *curls up in the corner and goes to sleep*

2006-07-06 [DRACE]: *feels a buzz in his right pocket that makes him jump and fall backwards off the chair... stands up, reachs into his pocket and says, 'flipping phone'* that actualy happened when I was out clubbing, my phone when off and I feel off a barstool it was a flipping high drop >.<

2006-07-06 [erowen]: are you ok

2006-07-06 [DRACE]: yer it was all good, I am a hard stale muffin

2006-07-06 [DRACE]: I hit the floor and fell through it >.<

2006-07-06 [DRACE]: *licks his lips and puts his face down to the plate of food, eating it like a common beast, splashing it around everywhere*

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: *waves hand and creates a barrier blocking [DRACE] slobbering splashes from landing on the dinners*

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: *Appears from infront of the wall* Hey.

2006-07-08 [DRACE]: looks up at [Venom Boy] and nods, then goes back to munching*

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: *smiles at [Venom Boy]* Welcome, won't you join us, the fish is fresh and tastes very good. *Waves hand and makes another chair appear.* Help yourself, we have mash potates, veggies and fresh bread to go with the fish that our [DRACE] caught and cooked himself.

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: She is a vegatarian.

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: Ill still sit and hang out though. *Sits in the chair*

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: *waves hand and loads of veggie plates appear on the table* Eat my dear, here you eat what you like., hello [+Shadow+], help yourself to some food please, or something to drink if you like, there is plainty of everything. *Waves and another chair appears at the table*

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: Thank you very much. *Smiles and sits down*

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: *Smiles*

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: Good and what have you to been up to lately?

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: I have been doing nothing and Kirstie is happy, WAY HAPPY.

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: Yeah.......Shut up Shadow. *Slightly laughs*

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: *grins* Its good to see you happy Kirstie. 

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: The guy she is completely inlove with has asked her to be with him if the relationship he is already working on while she was with Matt falls to peices. She hopes it falls.

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: *Smiles evily* And it will if I continue to talk to him.

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: *laughing*  I see. Very interesting situation.

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: He said some really sweet things to me. He told me that I meant more than anything to him and he called me an angel godess in his arms. *Blushes*

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: *grins* I see why you are on cloud nine.

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: *Laughs* Its soo cute.

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: *Giggles slightly with a big smile* Yeah. I have felt this way about him for a long time.

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: Well then I shall keep my fingers cross for you. 

2006-07-08 [Venom Boy]: Thanks.

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: and you [+Shadow+], how are things with you?

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: Good.

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: that is excellent.

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: I guess. Of course, my life isnt doing as great as Kirstie's is right now.

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: Well dear we all have our ups and downs. But if things are good, then it's better then them being bad.

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: Yeah

2006-07-08 [Shatureel]: So what are you doing for the summer.

2006-07-08 [+Shadow+]: Summer school. I have one more week.

2006-07-09 [DRACE]: *finishs eating and goes back down to the lake with a bucket, he gets some water and washs off*

2006-07-10 [Shatureel]: Once your week is up, what do you plan to do? *waves hand and [DRACE] mess disappears*

2006-07-10 [DRACE]: *puts water on his hands and holds it up on his face, as he moves them down he picks up his clothing and puts them on a low hanging branch of a willow tree, he strapes his modified desert eagles to each of his hips and his Draggon blade to his back*

2006-07-10 [DRACE]: *extends his feet to resemble that of an animals feet, he then goes down on all fours and takes a run into the forest, to see if the unicorn he seen injured is still alive so he can kil... heal it*

2006-07-11 [Shatureel]: *Watches [DRACE], hoping he is not going to get himself in trouble again, but then she smiles remember that its his nature to get into trouble*

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: *finds the unicorn, already it's blood has been drained, something beat him to it, he shrugs and removes the unicorns horn... he puts it in a small brown pouch on his hip and turns invisible* I just love the way [Shatureel] knows me... and I love unicorn horns, the possesor recives invisibility... *robs a few banks and sets it up so it looks like [Shatureel] did the crime, so she will do the time, while he relaxes on his piles of money in his den... laughs evilly*

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: *Grins as she makes all the money [DRACE] stole turn to peanut brittle* So much for Shay doing time. LOL

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: O.o *sighs* oh wells... *eats the peanut brittle*

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: *joins you and eats some peanut brittle with you* So why did you set me up to take the fall for your crimes,

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: cause, there was no one else around... *shuts the door of his den and closes the windows... then eats [Shatureel]* ^_~

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: *laughs as I disappears* You can't eat what you can't see.

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: I wasn't mean eat eat, just alittle nibble down below...

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: Yea I know what you meant darling, but you can not eat what is not offered to you. Never without my permission.

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: heh you wouldn't offer it to me anyways, but eh, I'm just another lonely toyboy

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: My darling [DRACE] this is not the place for that, there are minors that come to this wiki and we must respect that.

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: yer I spose so, not that we would do this in fake, we hardly tak there, that and those miners should be in the mines *gets his whip out and craks it* back to work you slackers

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: *laughs* We will talk, its that right now I am on vacation and I had troubles getting on to Fake, but I have fixed the problem and will be returning there soon. 

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: eh nvm, I'll find someone else to talk too ~_~

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: That is up to you.

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: I need a shave >.<

2006-07-12 [Shatureel]: well go and get one.

2006-07-12 [DRACE]: got nothing to shave with

2006-07-15 [Raikcoes]: boo

2006-07-15 [superego]: Boo back.

2006-07-15 [Raikcoes]: YAY

2006-07-15 [DRACE]: *morphs into his wolf pup form, hops up on [Shatureel]'s lap, curls up and goes to sleep*

2006-07-17 [erowen]: i am the happiest person alive!!!

2006-07-17 [DRACE]: I agree, you are

2006-07-17 [erowen]: whats wrong with you

2006-07-17 [DRACE]: I lost another 7 friends today, that makes over 37 in the past 5 weeks, thats including friends I have away from the comp to, no one likes a nothing person

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